Today we’re proud to share a new song from singer/songwriter Joe Michelini of American Trappist. This video comes from Joe’s home studio, Berlin Studios in New Jersey. I had the pleasure of visiting the space for an upcoming interview with American Trappist that will be featured in Issue #12. The song is “...Rides Again,” and it comes from American Trappist’s upcoming LP, The Gate. (We’ve been fortunate enough to hear it in its entirety, and can say you’re in for a treat.)
During the quarantine, Berlin Studios is offering 50% off mixing rates. It’s the perfect opportunity for musicians currently taking advantage of the time at home to record to have their projects professionally finished. If working with Joe is half as pleasant and intellectual as our interview was, I’m sure it’ll be a valuable experience for everyone involved.
Enjoy the video, and stay healthy, Philadelphia. Miss ya.