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by Daniel Baggarly

Our country has shown a reckless unpreparedness and void in serious leadership from the top down in a public health crisis that, in its worst case, will kill millions of people. Our culture and institutions are pathetically floundering in vain attempts to preserve a backwards economic system that is entirely built upon the myth of continuous growth and the hoarding of wealth at the expense of the true producers of that wealth, the labor force. As I and millions of other workers like me are either laid off or facing an impending layoff, the prospect of not being able to pay rent next week looms large. And if not next week, certainly next month. And the month after. The government has so far failed to take the logical action of canceling all rent and mortgages for the duration of the crisis, and we are left to fend for ourselves. The time to act is now.

Luckily for us, we have friends in our community with more foresight and compassion than our leaders. A semi-anonymously created “Tools For Tenants” document has compiled resources for Philadelphians in my situation HERE. It includes a sample letter to send to your landlord, local politicians to harass, how to harass them, an updated account of the legal situation for renters in Philadelphia, rent strike interest, and links to general COVID resource information from the Philly Tenants Union. I am grateful that people in the same boat as me are taking this situation seriously, and are starting what will likely be a long campaign of organization to guarantee that no one has to worry about basic necessities during this time of crisis. If we’re lucky, this can prove that basic necessities can be provided for all in normal times as well, leaving us more equipped to deal with unexpected difficulties as they arise, but for the immediate future I implore you to join me in taking full advantage of this resource. This is a fight we can win, now.

When leaders fail to do what is necessary and right, it falls to us to advocate for ourselves, our families, our friends, and our neighbors. Do not sit around and wait for something we do not know will be coming. Call your representatives. Write your landlords. Support your communities. The only way we will survive this is together, while creating a more just and humane world in the process.

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Today we’re proud to share a new song from singer/songwriter Joe Michelini of American Trappist. This video comes from Joe’s home studio, Berlin Studios in New Jersey. I had the pleasure of visiting the space for an upcoming interview with American Trappist that will be featured in Issue #12. The song is “...Rides Again,” and it comes from American Trappist’s upcoming LP, The Gate. (We’ve been fortunate enough to hear it in its entirety, and can say you’re in for a treat.)

During the quarantine, Berlin Studios is offering 50% off mixing rates. It’s the perfect opportunity for musicians currently taking advantage of the time at home to record to have their projects professionally finished. If working with Joe is half as pleasant and intellectual as our interview was, I’m sure it’ll be a valuable experience for everyone involved.

Enjoy the video, and stay healthy, Philadelphia. Miss ya.

Another week begins in quarantine for Philadelphia. We hope everyone is looking after their physical and mental health. What are some ways you've found to keep your spirits high while practicing social distancing? Today, I found comfort in playing music, cooking, and spending quality time with my roommates. And I especially enjoyed today's submission from Alexxis and the Medicine. This rockin' tune features Alexis Cunningham on lead vocals, Danny Black on lead guitar, zine alum Arjun Dube on drums, Bo Rains on bass, and Jay Davidson on keys and sax. Not to mention, the video was shot (pre-quarantine) by our dear friend and collaborator Skyler Jenkins. A powerhouse video indeed. Thanks for tuning in and weathering the storm, so to speak, with us online. Enjoy, and share if you love it!

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