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Kinda goes without saying, but pretty much everything is uncertain right now.  It can be difficult to handle, especially when suddenly we’ve all found ourselves with an incredible amount of free time to just be alone with our thoughts.  We hope we can offer you a momentary distraction from this fucked up situation, while also potentially helping you process all of this. That being said, we present to you the eerily topical new album by  Slomo Sapiens, Cabin Fever Dreams.  Itis a concept album about isolation and losing one’s mind, following a character who is trapped in a cabin located “on the border of ‘Sanity’ and ‘Lala Land,' deep in the uncharted back-woods of the mind.”  

As a hypochondriac living in this pandemic-fueled world, I welcome anything that will distract my anxious mind from thinking about this virus.  Cabin Fever Dreams really got me out of my own head.  This grunge-y, psychedelic album is truly a “tune in, drop out” kind of album.  20 seconds into the intro track, Between the Walls, and your body will already be feeling relaxed.  By the time you're 3 songs in you’ll feeling a strange sense of relief wash over ya.  Get to the middle of the album and you might not even be sure where you exist in time anymore.  Let yourself unravel a bit, the rest of the album will sew you back up. By the end of the album you’ll feel like a new you. A better you? We can’t say for sure, but definitely new.  

And be sure to follow Slomo Sapiens on instagram here.  We can’t wait to hear this one live! Catch them at Johnny Brenda's for their record release show on August 28th with Ali Awan, Grace Vonderkuhn and Dominy!  

Hey, everyone—We’re changing things up here at CVZ for the next few weeks. With all the music venues closed due to COVID-19, we’re hoping to create a virtual one here at We’ll be featuring videos daily of artists stuck at home, most of whom had to cancel upcoming shows and tours due to the pandemic. We hope these videos fill a live music void in your heart while we’re all social distancing. For our family and friends who’ve lost their jobs due to the virus, we encourage you to apply for unemployment here. Stay safe out there, everyone. For your sake and for the sake of others.

Without further ado, we present Rachel Andie’s enchanting cover of Big Thief’s U.F.OF. Rachel’s voice and personal style fit that of Big Thief’s discography eerily well, so I knew right away this cover would be haunting, but it’s even better than expected. Thank you to Rachel for sharing this beautiful video with us, and for being a light in this chaotic cloud. Please share some love in the comments.

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Here at CVZ, it's been hard to watch all shows cancel for the foreseeable future due to COVID-19. Even more devastating, our friends and loved ones are out of work, possibly indefinitely. The Philadelphia community is vast and diverse, and it's been a pleasure to get to know all our neighbors. What's upsetting is witnessing this crisis affect everyone on so many levels. If you want to talk more about how this health scare is making you feel, we're here. We love you, Philadelphia. Stay safe out there.

With that said, we're here to provide some entertainment and distraction for all of you quarantined today. We're proud to premiere Party Muscles' video for "Citywalking," the first single from the new LP. The video is packed with the charm we've come to expect from Party Muscles: light-hearted humor, luscious hair flips, and classic pop-rock mastery. As fans of this band from the beginning (click here for our review of their first full-length), we're excited to hear how they continue to develop their sound. "Citywalking" has the components of a successful single; it's wholly endearing and will stay with you all day. Without further a-do, give the video a watch for yourself. And leave some love in the comments!

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